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Static Got You Down?

Static Got You Down? If you have a ton of RAM and feel like balancing on the razor-sharp bleeding edge, check out the development version of Macromedia’s Shockwave plug-in for Netscape 2.0b5 or higher. Shockwave enables Web users to download and display material created in Macromedia Director. Plugin/special.htm

Macromedia notes that this early version is "barely stable" and that seems like an accurate (or even generous) assessment. To use the plug-in, give Netscape Navigator at least 6 MB of RAM (I recommend 8 MB) and be prepared to spend a lot of time downloading Shockwave content once the plug-in is installed, since Shockwave files seem to range from 150K to 500K (or more) per item. If you ask me, that’s a high price to pay for a spinning logo and a sound file looping in the background – so far, nothing I’ve seen currently using Shockwave could be described as compelling. [GD]

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