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and the TidBITS Content Network for Apple professionals Web Site Goes Up for Auction

Breaking into the Internet content business isn’t rocket science, but it can take a lot of hard work to generate quality content on a regular basis, build and maintain an Internet presence, and attract a following. If you want to earn real money, even more effort must go into marketing and business development, and a dash of luck never hurts.

If you’ve been thinking about dipping your toe into the field, there’s an opportunity to get a head start, since Miraz Jordan is auctioning off her 13-year-old Web site, complete with nearly 1,000 posts. As of this writing, the price is at $3,500, which doesn’t seem bad at all for that amount of content and a site that averages 30,000 unique visitors per month (with a peak of 105,000 visitors in January 2012), along with 350 email subscribers, 600 Twitter followers, 2,100 RSS readers, 400 YouTube channel subscribers, and 500 Facebook “likes.” The Flippa auction is slated to
end on 7 May 2013. isn’t currently generating vast sums of money, though it has made over $1,000 in affiliate sales from Take Control books, making it one of our top affiliates. The money is one reason Miraz is selling, but she’s also been writing for the site for a long time, lacks the energy to take the site to another level, and wants to do some different things with her life. That’s entirely reasonable, and I like the idea that even a single-author Web site can be akin to a small storefront, passing from one owner to the next while continuing to serve loyal customers.

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