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Daylight Savings

Daylight Savings — I’ve never internalized the concept behind Daylight Savings Time since there’s the same amount of daylight no matter how you set the clock, but Macintosh users in most parts of the U.S. (but not all, as if Daylight Savings Time wasn’t irritating enough on its own) should have set their Macintosh clocks ahead one hour last Saturday night. Thankfully, Apple simplified the entire process in recent System upgrades by including a checkbox for Daylight Savings Time in the Date & Time control panel. I also strongly recommend that users with MacTCP-based Internet connections check out Pete Resnick’s excellent shareware Network Time control panel, which works with Unix time servers to keep even the most wayward of Macintosh clocks from straying by setting the time every time MacTCP is opened. [ACE] network-time-201.hqx

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