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Please Take the TidBITS 2015 Reader Survey!

We haven’t done a reader survey since 2007, but as we start in on a major Web site redesign, I’d like to learn more about who you are and what you want to read in TidBITS. So if you have 5 minutes to spare, I would greatly appreciate it if you could fill out our TidBITS 2015 Reader Survey (to be completely up front, it will take a little longer if you want to provide optional free-form feedback about various questions). I’ve built the survey at a site called Murvey, and it’s as easy to take on an iPad or iPhone as it is on a Mac, apart from typing free-form responses.

The survey will remain open through the end of Thursday, 3 December 2015, which will give me a few days to process the data in time to share the results in the next issue of TidBITS. Thanks in advance for participating!

Although our upcoming site redesign was the trigger for the survey, we do have a deeper motive. Every week, Josh and I discuss what we think readers would find useful or interesting, and use those beliefs to evaluate article ideas and outside pitches. We get anecdotal support when an article generates a lot of positive comments or when someone writes in saying how much they appreciate a particular column, but as the saying goes, the plural of “anecdote” is not “data.” So our other big goal with the reader survey is to calibrate our filters to make sure that we’re focusing on the content that you most want to read (while hopefully still surprising you occasionally with articles you like, but didn’t know you wanted to read).

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