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Internet Starter Kit News

I’ve been hearing that people have had trouble finding my book in bookstores, which irks me since all I can do to help is to suggest that you explain to the bookstore why they should carry it and ask them to order a few copies from Hayden. And of course, if all else fails, you can order directly using the information in TidBITS #195 or via <[email protected]>.

Packing Slips — A number of people who ordered direct have noticed that their packing slips list the full price of the book, $29.95, and not the discount from ordering direct. Don’t worry, you should still be charged the right price on your credit card bill (and if not, complain to Hayden fast!). The reason, as it was explained to me, is that sometimes customers order books through bookstores, but have them shipped directly from the publisher. Since the customer has already paid the bookstore the marked up price, the bookstores don’t want the packing slips to show the much lower price they pay for the book, since it would confuse and irritate customers. Thus, the publishers simply print the list price on the packing slip. Sorry for any confusion. — The first comments I’ve gotten back from readers of the book have been extremely positive, although most of them wonder about an aspect of the book I haven’t yet mentioned here. In conjunction with Northwest Nexus, the Seattle-area provider that offers flat-rate SLIP accounts for $22.50 per month for readers of the book (plus a $20 signup fee, although the first two weeks are free), I’ve set up a public FTP site. Called <>, this site currently holds over 25 MB of freeware and shareware software related to connecting a Macintosh to the Internet. I think I uploaded everything that I talk about in the book, and I know I uploaded a number of packages that have been released or updated since then as well. Eventually, I’ll upload all the issues of TidBITS, and perhaps start a directory for programs I mention in articles.

Unfortunately, this FTP site isn’t a huge one that supports hundreds of users at one time. In fact, I think it’s limited to 12 simultaneous users, although I’m talking with the Northwest Nexus folks about adding Gopher support to increase access.

The reason people have written to me about the site is that its name is still propagating, so your nameserver may not know about it yet. If that’s the case, use the IP number, <>. Once you connect, look for files in the directory:


I hope you find the site useful, and if you come across a file that isn’t present or a new version of something, send me email letting me know where I can retrieve the missing file, and I’ll upload it.

International Distributors — A number of people overseas have asked for details about international distributors and prices and whatnot, and since I know literally nothing about this topic, Hayden whipped up this list for me. I believe the offer they’re talking about is the discount for ordering direct with the magic code of 310D, but if you have any questions, you’ll have to ask Hayden, not me.


Prentice Hall Canada
1870 Birchmount Road
Scarborough, Ontario M1P 2J7
Tel: 1-800-387-5200 (in Ontario region)
1-800-567-3800 (rest of Canada)
Fax: 1-416-299-2540
[Offer as stated; list price is $37.95]


Prentice Hall Australia
7 Grosvenor Place
Brookvale, New South Wales 2100
Tel: 61-2-939-1333
Fax: 61-2-938-6826
[Offer in Australia as follows: Price $A 49.95 10% discount
off of this list, no shipping charges. All orders to the
attention of Barbara Honor.]


Prentice Hall International – UK
Campus 400, Maylands Avenue
Hemel Hempstead
Hertfordshire HP2 7EZ England
United Kingdom
Tel: 44-442-88-1900
Fax: 44-442-25-7115
MCI E-mail ID: 536-2875 ATTN: Mike Walford
[Offer in above countries as follows: Price = 18.50 pounds
Sterling. Will only accept Credit Card or Payment in Advance
orders. All moneys to be in pounds Sterling.]


Prentice Hall Singapore
Alexandra Distripark
Block #4, #04-31
Pasir Panjang Road
Singapore 0511
Tel: 65-278-9611
Fax: 65-273-4400
E-Mail: GHadi/548-2919
[Offer as stated, list price unknown.]

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