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Eudora Internet Scheduler?

Eudora Internet Scheduler? In response to our Qualcomm Buys Now Software MailBIT in TidBITS-404, Mark C. Corsi <[email protected]> writes:

In assessing the benefits of Qualcomm’s acquisition of Now Software, you overlook Now Contact and Now Up-to-Date. My guess is that Qualcomm will develop these two products further and integrate then with the Eudora, Eudora Internet Mail Server, and Qualcomm’s WorldMail servers. Scheduling and calendaring are starting to become a part of the corporate network solution. A calendaring and scheduling standard is being developed by the IETF, and should be ready in a year or so (a conservative guess on my part). Additionally, remember that Qualcomm’s Eudora division is competing with Netscape, Microsoft and Lotus (among others), all of whom have a calendaring solution.


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