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Nitro PowerPlug Speeds WebSTAR

Nitro PowerPlug Speeds WebSTAR — ClearWay Technologies is shipping the $99 Nitro PowerPlug 1.0, a WebSTAR plug-in that accelerates the execution speed of all other WebSTAR plug-ins up to 200 percent or more in ClearWay’s testing. Nitro PowerPlug is a specialized replacement memory manager for WebSTAR, which otherwise relies on the standard Mac OS memory manager which is optimized for large stand-alone applications. ClearWay also reports that Nitro PowerPlug helps eliminate server slowdowns that occur after a WebSTAR server has been running for a long time without a restart, plus reduces crashes related to fragmented memory. Nitro PowerPlug works with WebSTAR versions 1.3.2 through 3.0, on both PowerPC- and 68K-based machines. It may work with (but doesn’t officially support) other Web servers that support WebSTAR plug-ins, such as Quid Pro Quo, SonicWeb Server, WebTen, and the Microsoft Personal Web Server. A free demo is available (278K download). [ACE]






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