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PowerBook G4s Trickling to Customers

PowerBook G4s Trickling to Customers — Apple has begun shipping PowerBook G4 Titanium machines to eager customers, though nailing down shipping dates has been difficult. Around 22-Jan-01 Apple was telling customers that PowerBooks would be shipped 45 days from the date of the order; previously, Apple had been quoting 21 or 30 days for shipment. However, last week many customers received their PowerBooks, based on when orders were placed. Apple is apparently shipping units directly from the manufacturer in Taiwan in order to get PowerBooks into customers’ hands and keep Steve Jobs’s Macworld Expo promise that the computers would begin shipping at the end of January. This is encouraging news, since one of Apple’s weaknesses in recent years has been the inability to keep up with initial demand for newly announced products (see "PowerBook Titanium Burns Bright" in TidBITS-563). [JLC]



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