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Japanese TidBITS on Hiatus; Seeking New Translators

Japanese TidBITS on Hiatus; Seeking New Translators — It’s with deep regret that I pass on the news that the Japanese translation of TidBITS is going on hiatus until a new team of translators can be found. There’s no question that translating TidBITS takes some effort, and as the team shrank in size, the amount of work per person increased. That simply became too much for the current volunteers, and I’d like to thank Shuichi Odaka, Hisashi Nishimura, and the rest of the Japanese translation team for all their work over the past six years – their efforts have been appreciated by many thousands of people. It’s time now to see if any other Japanese-speaking Macintosh users would like to pick up the translation where it left off. If so, contact me at <[email protected]> so we can work out a transition plan that will include taking over the mailing list and Web site (both of which we can host). Let’s work together to keep TidBITS available to the many people who prefer to read their Macintosh and Internet news in Japanese. [ACE]


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