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Poll Results: Was Your KidSafe?

Poll Results: Was Your KidSafe? Last week we asked for opinions about why Apple’s KidSafe didn’t receive sufficient customer usage for Apple to continue the service. As we’d expected, 33 percent of respondents said they’d never heard of KidSafe, which points to a failure on Apple’s part in promoting the service. But even more people – 34 percent – said they didn’t want any filtering software, and 22 percent personally monitor their kids’ Internet use. A handful of people (13 percent) had tried KidSafe and thought it worked poorly, though 6 percent felt it had worked well. Only one person used a competing service instead of KidSafe. Although the number of respondents was quite small because we limited it to people actually responsible for children using the Internet, the conclusion I’d take away from the poll is that the concern most people have about children seeking out or stumbling across undesirable Internet resources isn’t sufficiently great for them to find and use potentially flawed filtering software. [ACE]



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