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A Few Updates from Apple

A Few Updates from Apple — During our brief break, Apple released a number of small but potentially important updates, all of which should show up in Software Update.

Mac OS 9 versions of the iMac (2.3 MB) and Power Mac (2.5 MB) SuperDrive Update appeared, providing necessary compatibility with new 4x DVD-R and 2x DVD-RW media. If you have a SuperDrive, make sure you have the appropriate updates.



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Also released was the Power Mac G4 Firmware Update 4.4.8 for the Power G4 (Mirrored Drive Doors). It improves fan control behavior and reduces high-speed fan cycling under Mac OS 9. Most notable about this firmware update, though, is that you can install it under Mac OS X, something which hasn’t previously been possible and which played a role in the shoddy engineering that resulted in some iMacs being rendered inoperable by the Jaguar installer. It’s a 1.2 MB download.

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Lastly, Security Update 2002-11-21 fixes some potential vulnerabilities in BIND, the domain name server that’s included with, but not turned on in, Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server. If you’re not using BIND (or don’t know what it is), this 4.7 MB security update isn’t particularly important, but there’s no harm in installing it. [ACE]

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