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GraphicConverter 5.0.1 Released

GraphicConverter 5.0.1 Released — TidBITS readers with long memories have probably already noted that we tend to mention Lemke Software’s image processing utility GraphicConverter often in these issues (at least 21 times since 1997, in fact). Largely this is due to the fact that this robust shareware application competes on almost all fronts with Adobe Photoshop, the powerhouse of image processing – yet costs a measly $30. But it’s also due to how extensive the changes are – and release notes that accompany them – between revisions. Now, GraphicConverter has turned 5, gaining a browser search feature, improved handling of EXIF data, the capability to export a photo slideshow as a movie file, and lots of other enhancements and bug fixes (a small 5.0.1 version released late last week fixes an error that cropped up when saving files). GraphicConverter 5.0.1 runs on Mac OS 8.5 and higher, including Mac OS X, and is a 6 MB download. [JLC]


< graphversionsueb.htm>

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