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Listen in as Apple Turns 30

Listen in as Apple Turns 30 — On April 1st, 1976 – 30 years ago this last Saturday – Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne founded Apple Computer, and the intervening years have seen its fortunes rise, fall, and rise again. But no matter what its stock price or market share, Apple has never been boring. More important, despite the fact that the company never attained the size or raw power of Microsoft, Apple’s influence on the computer industry and on popular culture has been immense. To commemorate this anniversary, we encourage you to sit back, tune in, and listen both to some of Apple’s earliest employees and to a number of writers who have been covering Apple since the earliest days. In’s Chronicle Podcasts, reporters Matthew Yi and Ben Pimentel interview Steve Wozniak, Andy Hertzfeld, John Sculley, Steve Capps, Guy Kawasaki, and Mike Boich. And then in a pair of MacNotables podcasts focused on the past, present, and future of Apple, host Chuck Joiner talks with Chris Breen, Bryan Chaffin, Jim Dalrymple, Dan Frakes, Andy Ihnatko, Ted Landau, Bob LeVitus, Dennis Sellers, and Jason Snell, along with Tonya and me. As difficult as it is to look far into the future, here’s hoping we see another 30 years of innovation from Apple Computer! [ACE]

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