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Fetch 5.1 Adds Tiger Features, Goes Universal

Fetch 5.1 Adds Tiger Features, Goes Universal — Fetch Softworks has released Fetch 5.1, the latest version of their easy-to-use FTP client. Major new features include a comprehensive set of 11 Automator actions, a bone-shaped Dashboard widget for uploading and checking transfer progress, and universal binary support for Intel-based Macs. Other changes include a modeless New Connection window, a new Zip archive format that preserves Macintosh metadata, the inclusion of the StuffIt Engine so Fetch’s StuffIt support doesn’t require installation or updating of StuffIt, and storage of passwords in the Keychain. Fetch 5.1 also includes a variety of bug fixes and minor tweaks; it’s free to registered customers and is a 14.2 MB download. New copies cost $25, with free licenses available for educational and charitable organizations. [ACE]

< fetch5.release.notes.html#5.1>

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