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TidBITS Watchlist: Notable Software Updates for 07-Apr-08

  • QuickTime 7.4.5 offers fixes that plug numerous security vulnerabilities, improve compatibility with third-party applications, and enhance reliability. Different versions are available for Leopard, Tiger, Panther, and Windows. (Free, ~50 MB)
  • Keynote 4.0.3 improves the performance and stability of the application when working with large documents. Keynote 4.0.2 must be installed to install version 4.0.3. (Free, 20.5 MB)
  • AirPort Admin Utility for Graphite and Snow 4.2.5 brings compatibility with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard to the administration utility for Graphite and Snow (Dual Ethernet) AirPort base stations. (Free, 6 MB)
  • iTunes 7.6.2 “provides bug fixes to improve stability and performance.” (Free, 45 MB)
  • Front Row 2.1.3 provides improved iTunes 7.6.2 compatibility. (Free, 20.5 MB)
  • Things from Cultured Code adds enhanced printing capabilities to the Getting Things Done-inspired task manager. This release also fixes some bugs with repeating items and quitting Things before closing an edited item. (Free while in preview, 2.2 MB)
  • Default Folder X 4.0.3 from St. Clair Software brings to the Open and Save dialog enhancement utility a new contextual menu that enables you to rename, compress, and delete files and folders directly from within Open and Save dialogs. Also improved is compatibility with Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite, QuarkXPress, and other Carbon-based applications. The utility also now uses significantly less processor time when idle. ($34.95 new, free upgrade for recent purchases, $14.95 upgrade for purchases before 01-Jun-07, 9.2 MB)
  • NetworkLocation 2.3 from adds new features and MacBook Air support to the network automation utility for Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. NetworkLocation senses changes in network configuration (such as when moving from home to work networks) and based on particular locations can change numerous settings, such as the desktop picture and desired screen saver, the iChat status message, the time zone, the system volume, what iTunes playlist is selected, AirPort and Bluetooth availability, whether or not the keychain is locked, the default printer, and more. Version 2.3 adds the capability to run shell commands in Terminal, can check that network connectivity is available before running other
    tasks, and more. ($25 new, free upgrade, 2.7 MB)
  • YummySoup 1.6.7 from HungrySeacow Software adds support for importing recipes from more sites to the recipe management software (Andy Affleck’s second-favorite contender in “Cook from Your Mac: 10 Recipe Tools Compared,” 2007-09-21). Drag-and-drop recipe import is now supported from,, and, in addition to,,,,,,,, and ($20 new, free upgrade, 5.5 MB)
  • MacSpeech Dictate 1.0.1 from MacSpeech brings to the new speech recognition system better documentation, easier license key handling, and enhanced AppleScript support, including the capability to create commands. Version 1.0.1 also includes a number of bug fixes. Registered users can get it by using the Check for Updates feature within the program. ($199 new (or more, depending on headset), free upgrade)
  • Daylite 3.7.2 from Marketcircle adds to the productivity management software the capability to merge letters with Word 2008 and Excel 2008 files, offers interface enhancements for previewing calendar appointment details and scrolling daily appointment details in month view, and provides a law template that establishes Daylite workflow and tips for the legal profession. Daylite provides integrated project, calendar, and contact management, plus integration with Apple Mail ($49 extra) and iSync, along with connectors to FileMaker, the MoneyWorks accounting package, and the LightSpeed sales system. ($149 new, free upgrade, 47 MB)

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