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MacVoices Podcast Covers Time Capsule Ins and Outs

If you want to know more about Apple’s new Time Capsule or about how using Time Capsule compares to making backups with the newly available option of using Time Machine with a drive attached to an AirPort Extreme Base Station, tune into a recent pair of MacVoices podcasts, which bring together the networking perspective offered by Glenn Fleishman and the backups expertise brought by Joe Kissell.

In MacVoices #873 they talk about the pros and cons of Time Capsule, plus how it works under the hood. In MacVoices #874 the pair continues the conversation, looking at who Time Capsule is well-suited to, how backing up to Time Capsule compares to backing up to a drive attached to a regular AirPort Extreme Base Station, unexpected differences between the two Time Capsule models, and recommendations for which of Apple’s hardware-based backup solutions to

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