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As the weekly TidBITS issue returns from its Memorial Day hiatus, we have a bevy of news to share. Apple updated the Apple Watch’s operating system to version 1.0.1, and Josh Centers explains how you install the update. Apple also updated the 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina display, released a less expensive iMac with Retina 5K display, and shipped a new iPhone dock. Automatic unveiled a new app platform for its connected car peripheral, and Smile released TextExpander 5 for Mac with snippet suggestions. Wrapping up the news, Jason Snell’s “Photos for Mac: A Take Control Crash Course” is now complete. Moving on to features, Adam Engst explains how to keep iCloud Photo Library from choking your Internet connection, and Josh ponders the gaming potential of the Apple Watch in our latest FunBITS segment. Notable software releases this week include DEVONthink/DEVONnote 2.8.5, Audio Hijack 3.1, PopChar X 7.1, BBEdit 11.1.1, Little Snitch 3.5.3, OmniFocus 2.2, LaunchBar 6.4, and Microsoft Office 2011 14.5.1.

Adam Engst 4 comments

“Photos for Mac: A Take Control Crash Course” Now Complete

We’ve now released the full “Photos for Mac: A Take Control Crash Course,” previously available in an abbreviated early-bird version. It helps you transition to Photos, walks you through importing photo libraries, explains the Photos interface and how you can organize your images, gets you going with the editing tools, assists you with syncing to iOS devices, and looks at creating slideshows and print products.

TidBITS Staff No comments

ExtraBITS for 1 June 2015

This week in ExtraBITS, App Camp for Girls is kicking off a new round of crowdfunding, Charter is looking to buy Time Warner, comedian Stephen Fry breaks some news about Apple’s Jony Ive, Josh Centers discusses the next Apple TV on The Tech Night Owl podcast, and Michael Cohen and Josh debate the merits of the Apple Watch on the MacJury podcast.