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Apple has updated OS X 10.10 Yosemite, iOS 8, and Apple TV in one fell swoop — Josh Centers has a detailed list of what changed. In other Apple news, the company is offering a new Apple Rewards Visa card, along with a long-awaited tool that enables iPhone switchers to decouple their phone numbers from iMessage. President Obama delivered a strong message on net neutrality last week, and Geoff Duncan explains what that means for the FCC. Josh also takes a look at the Neato note-taking widget for iOS 8, and Adam Engst explains the thinking behind the significant changes in our new Take Control Crash Course series. Finally, in FunBITS, we cover the Internet Arcade, which lets you play the games of yesteryear for free in your Web browser. Notable software releases this week include Little Snitch 3.5, Firefox 33.1, and LaunchBar 6.1.5.

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ExtraBITS for 17 November 2014

This week in ExtraBITS, Managing Editor Josh Centers discussed net neutrality on The Tech Night Owl podcast, Kirk McElhearn investigated iOS storage space, Apple eased fears about the iOS Masque Attack vulnerability, Apple Pay made a mark at Whole Foods, and Amazon buried the hatchet with Hachette.