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This week brings news of fixes, upgrades, reworks, and refunds, so pay attention if you use a PowerBook 100, a 8*24 GC Video Card, HyperCard 2.1, a SuperMac hard drive, or a Macintosh Portable. We also quench a rumor about the StyleWriter’s demise, analyze Apple’s policy of charging for System 7.1, peek at the new Apple Catalog, and just for fun, crack open an HFS Easter Egg.

Adam Engst No comments


Oops. A couple of people wrote in to correct our mistake about the type of tape backup cartridge available for the Apple Tape Backup 40SC. Mark accidentally wrote that it takes DC600 tapes, when in fact it uses the DC2000 size instead

Adam Engst No comments

Discount Prices

Last week we threw in a table of suggested retail prices for a number of Macintosh models mostly because we had it on hand and thought it might be interesting to read and to refer to in the future

Adam Engst No comments

SuperMac and Manager7

A friend writes to tell us that SuperMac has arranged with Casa Blanca Works to release a special subset of their Drive7 software which only works on SuperMac hard drives, including the LaserFrame rewritable optical drive

Mark H. Anbinder No comments

HyperCard Player Bundled with Macs

Apple has announced that, as of 14-Sep-92, it has begun shipping new Macintosh computers with a run-time "HyperCard 2.1 Player" program in place of the more-functional HyperCard 2.1 software that has shipped with all Macs since last fall

Adam Engst No comments

Portable Batteries Live On

Ed Mechem writes, "Good news for Mac Portable users. There is a third party battery replacement available from Shadow Technologies, and it provides twice the life of the original battery

Adam Engst No comments

8*24 GC Video Card Refund Program

My apologies for losing this in my article database. On 15-May-92, Apple announced that they had identified a software bug in the 7.0 version of the GC Control Panel that ships with the 8*24 GC Video Card

Adam Engst No comments

System 7.1 & the Golden Eggs

Given the lead time necessary for mastering disks, it's not too surprising that System 7.1 has recently gone golden master. We talked about some of the features it will make available to users in TidBITS-137 and #138, although not all of them will make it into the initial release on October 19th with the new machines that require System 7.1

Adam Engst No comments

Apple Catalog

Well, it's happened. Apple has started selling products directly to customers via mail order in The Apple Catalog. The catalog will contain Apple products, accessories, supplies, peripherals, and selected third-party products

Adam Engst No comments

HFS Easter Egg

I came across these postings on Info-Mac a while ago and thought you might enjoy reading about how one finds a deeply buried Easter Egg. Francois Grieu: I have discovered an obscure Easter Egg in the System 7 implementation of HFS. When the Macintosh requests a disk because it's off-line, there are provisions for displaying a hidden message. Try it!! Rename a disk exactly to: KMEG JJ KS (this is 8 uppercase letters and 2 spaces) Eject the disk with command-E so that you have a gray icon of it on the desktop