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Access America Online via the Internet? That’s right, and read on for the details. Mark Anbinder reports on Apple’s System Update 3.0, which includes a slew of fixes for System 7.1 (and later) users, Mr. Chan complains rightly about the way international customers are treated, and John Wolf provides some instructions for a rainy day of electronics work, assuming you want to use Apple’s resolution switching software with a non-Apple multisync monitor.

Mark H. Anbinder No comments

New QuickTake 100 cameras

New QuickTake 100 cameras will include a QuickTake for Power Macintosh Install Disk beginning today, Apple says. You can tell the unit you're buying includes the new native PowerPC software if its item number is M1644LL/B rather than the original M1644LL/A

Mark H. Anbinder No comments

AutoCAD for Macintosh

AutoCAD for Macintosh doesn't work on the Power Mac series, so CAD users who want a little more speed may need to wait a while. AutoCAD uses the Mac's floating point unit (FPU), and since the 680x0 emulation on the Power Macs lacks one, the software can't run

Adam Engst No comments

Chris Ferino

Chris Ferino writes: I've created and uploaded 50, 100, and 200 issue archives of the back issues of TidBITS for folks on America Online. If you do a QUICKFIND search on the keywords "TIDBITS ARCHIVE", you can download them as an easy way of filling out your collection [which you can search through with Easy View for tidbits that you can't remember -Adam].

Mr. Chan No comments

Sales Gripe from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Since Macintosh sales are increasing rapidly outside the U.S., and since over 50 percent of Apple's business comes from outside the U.S., isn't it time Macintosh companies thought of the people on the other side of the globe? It surprises me that more U.S.-based Macintosh companies don't take a few extra, easy steps to make themselves more accessible to international customers. Phone Numbers -- It's strange to us (in the rest of the world where books and magazines from the U.S

Mark H. Anbinder No comments

System Update 3.0

Director of Technical Services, Baka Industries Inc. Apple recently released System Update 3.0, a collection of bug fixes, system software enhancements, and updated utilities, for all Macintosh computers using System 7.1 or later

Adam Engst No comments

America Online Gets Wired

That's an accurate, though misleading title. Wired Magazine has indeed opened a section on America Online, but more what I wanted to note was America Online's increased Internet access (keyword = internet)