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If you don’t yet have a Palm handheld, read on for Travis Butler’s review of the Handspring Visor, the Palm OS-based device from the original creators of the PalmPilot. Old software also continues to hold our attention this week, as we consider the implications of last week’s poll and look at the elderly DiskTop and DiskTracker, a modern competitor. In the news, we cover eMerge 1.6.2 and pass on an important warning to iBook and PowerBook (FireWire) owners.

Adam Engst No comments

Poll Results: Long in the Tooth

Last week's poll asking about your oldest regularly used program proved fascinating in a number of ways, not the least of which was in the enthusiasm it generated on TidBITS Talk, where we heard about the many old programs still in regular use throughout the Macintosh world

Matt Neuburg No comments

Tools that Never Died: DiskTop and DiskTracker

Back in the hoary days of System 6, the Finder badly needed help, and DiskTop was one of my favorite helpers. Over the years, DiskTop somehow fell off my radar screen, though I was dimly aware that CE Software had spun it off to the Prairie Group; and TidBITS hadn't reviewed it since 1994, when Stephen Camidge looked at DiskTop 4.5

Travis Butler No comments

A Handheld Surprise: The Handspring Visor

I admit it - I'm a handheld computing junkie. I've had an original Newton MessagePad 100, a Newton 120, an original PalmPilot 1000 upgraded to a Palm Professional, and a Palm III with which I've been happy. So why did I walk out of Macworld Expo in January carrying a Handspring Visor Deluxe? The Visor is a Palm OS-based handheld developed by Handspring, a company founded by the designer of the original PalmPilot and a group of former Palm Computing engineers