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In this week’s installment of Hacking the Press, Adam sheds more light on the inner workings of the computer media with an examination of different types of editorial coverage. We also recap a pair of TidBITS events at Macworld Expo, announce a new sponsor, and take a quick look at icWord, a $20 utility that lets you view and print recent Microsoft Word documents. Finally, we offer another quiz whose results could improve your productivity!

Adam Engst No comments Sponsoring TidBITS Sponsoring TidBITS -- In the information-scarce days before the Web, I pored over computer-related publications, and even though I've never been a designer, I especially liked font catalogs

Jeff Carlson No comments

icWord Reads and Prints Word Documents

icWord Reads and Prints Word Documents -- Panergy Ltd. has released icWord, a utility for viewing and printing Microsoft Word documents. Targeted at people who need to access, but not edit, Word files, the $20 program is far cheaper than the $400 Word 98 or the $500 Office 98 bundle of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint

Geoff Duncan No comments

Quiz Preview: Bigger is Better

Quiz Preview: Bigger is Better -- When the Mac debuted in 1984, it featured a 9-inch black and white display that was 512 pixels wide and 342 pixels high, and the density and graphical fidelity of that display compared to other computers was part of the Mac's eventual success

Adam Engst No comments

Poll Results: Rumor with a View

Poll Results: Rumor with a View -- The results of last week's poll, which asked if you thought the value to consumers of information published on rumor sites outweighed the potential damage done to the companies involved, proved mixed

Adam Engst No comments

TidBITS Expo Events Recap

As readers of TidBITS Talk know, I held a pair of informal events at Macworld Expo in New York last month. I chose not to announce them in TidBITS itself (though they were on the Hess Events List) to keep them to a manageable size. Ice Cream Social -- Tuesday night before the show, I coordinated the TidBITS Ice Cream Social, where everyone met in the lobby of the aggressively hip Paramount Hotel and then walked to a nearby Ben & Jerry's for ice cream