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We’re still recovering from Macworld 2011 and working on infrastructure projects of our own, but much of the news this week revolves around cellular plans, with Verizon Wireless announcing their iPhone plans and AT&T adding a smartphone mobile hotspot option (without mentioning the iPhone). Also in the news, the MozyHome Internet backup service increased pricing, GadgetTrak added snapshot capabilities to its iOS app, and Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. introduced the iPad-only national news publication The Daily (Adam looks at why it’s not particularly interesting). Finally, security editor Rich Mogull explains how the security world has changed since the days of Windows XP and what that means for the future of Apple’s digital security efforts. Notable software releases this week include Mailplane 2.3, DEVONthink and DEVONnote 2.0.7, Dragon Dictate 2.0.2, 1Password 3.5.4, Things 1.4.4, Audio Hijack Pro 2.9.10, EyeTV 3.5.1, and LaunchBar 5.0.4.

Rich Mogull 12 comments

Apple’s Security Past Defines Its Future

Macs and iOS devices surely face security challenges in the future, but it’s highly unlikely they will resemble those historically faced by Windows users. Rich Mogull explains a little security history, and shows how it, and recent moves by Apple, help us predict our collective security future.

Adam Engst 19 comments

Why The Daily Is So Yesterday

Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. announced The Daily, an iPad-only app and news publication with a subscription business model. It was big enough news to warrant an on-stage appearance from iTunes head Eddy Cue, but is it news? Adam thinks it’s not only not news, it’s not even interesting.

TidBITS Staff No comments

ExtraBITS for 7 February 2011

We were too busy migrating tens of thousands of TidBITS accounts last week to do much Web surfing, but we had to point you to Macworld’s review of the Verizon iPhone 4 in case you’ve been waiting with bated breath.