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We’re back from our Memorial Day hiatus with news of a re-released iOS 9.3.2 update for the 9.7-inch iPad Pro. Meanwhile, Twitter has announced some upcoming rule changes that will make conversations easier. To round out the issue, Josh Centers looks at two entertainment apps: TuneIn Radio for iOS and the Web, which lets you listen to radio stations around the world, and BitTorrent Live for the Apple TV, which brings an odd assortment of live content for free. Notable software releases over the past two weeks include Alfred 3.0.1, Slack for Mac 2.0.3, Evernote 6.7, Pixelmator 3.5, Cyberduck 5.0, Tinderbox 6.6 and Storyspace 3.1.2, CrashPlan 4.7, GraphicConverter 10, RapidWeaver 7.0.1, Mailplane 3.6.3, Capto 1.0.1, PopChar X 7.5, TextExpander 6.0.5, 1Password 6.3.1, AirPort Base Station Firmware Update 7.6.7 and 7.7.7, and Airfoil 5.1.

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TidBITS Watchlist: Notable Software Updates for 6 June 2016

Notable software releases over the past two weeks include Alfred 3.0.1, Slack for Mac 2.0.3, Evernote 6.7, Pixelmator 3.5, Cyberduck 5.0, Tinderbox 6.6 and Storyspace 3.1.2, CrashPlan 4.7, GraphicConverter 10, RapidWeaver 7.0.1, Mailplane 3.6.3, Capto 1.0.1, PopChar X 7.5, TextExpander 6.0.5, 1Password 6.3.1, AirPort Base Station Firmware Update 7.6.7 and 7.7.7, and Airfoil 5.1.

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ExtraBITS for 6 June 2016

In ExtraBITS this week, Apple has updated its WWDC apps for iOS and Apple TV, Amazon isn’t coming to Apple TV anytime soon, and Spotify gets more competitive with Apple Music family plans.