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Steve Jobs has introduced a new $999 iMac and the iMac DV with FireWire and video editing capabilities, all with faster processors, revamped audio, dual USB, and transparent cases. Also in this issue, Matt Neuburg looks at Style Master, a tool for authoring Cascading Style Sheets for the Web, Adam continues examining how MP3 is changing his relationship to music, and we note new releases of Norton Utilities, Norton AntiVirus, Palm Desktop, and the results of our first poll.

Adam Engst No comments

Symantec Ships NAV 6.0 and NUM 5.0

Symantec Ships NAV 6.0 and NUM 5.0 -- Symantec is now shipping updates to its well-known anti-virus and software disk utilities, the $70 Norton AntiVirus for Macintosh 6.0 (which replaces the now-unsupported Symantec AntiVirus for Macintosh) and the $100 Norton Utilities for Macintosh 5.0

Geoff Duncan No comments

Jobs Splits iMac Line over Digital Video

Steve Jobs introduced two new iMac computers at an invitation-only event in Cupertino last week. The new iMac models lower the initial price point for buying a Macintosh, add some new and welcome capabilities, sport fully transparent cases, and improve the iMac's "cool factor" relative to competition from inexpensive PCs. Basic iMac -- The new low-end iMac sports a list price of $999, making it (barely) the iMac's first foray into the sub-$1,000 market

Adam Engst No comments

That MP3eaceful, Easy Feeling, Part 2

In the first part of this article I looked at some basics of MP3 and how I started to become a convert to MP3. Part of the reason it took me so long to understand the beauty of MP3 is that before the arrival of SoundJam, the tasks of converting CD tracks (a process known as "ripping") and playing tracks were handled by separate utilities