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Wondering if Microsoft will get behind Mac OS X? Previews of Microsoft Office 10 indicate that Microsoft is going all out on supporting Apple’s new operating system. Looking inward, Adam passes on the tallied answers to the questions we ask of people subscribing to and unsubscribing from TidBITS, and in the news, we cover the shutdown of Metricom’s wireless Ricochet network and the releases of Conflict Catcher 8.0.9 and Spring Cleaning 4.0.

Adam Engst No comments

Metricom’s Ricochet Network Goes Dark

Metricom's Ricochet Network Goes Dark -- Hard on the heels of last month's bankruptcy filing, long-range wireless networking company Metricom announced last week that it would be shutting down its 15-city wireless network on 08-Aug-01 and laying off 282 employees

Adam Engst No comments

Spring Cleaning Sweeps Out Mac OS X

Spring Cleaning Sweeps Out Mac OS X -- Aladdin Systems recently released Spring Cleaning 4.0, which helps you throw out all that digital crud that accumulates on our hard disk: things like duplicate files, orphaned aliases, empty folders, orphaned preferences files, and so on

Adam Engst No comments

Navel Gazing for Fun and Profit

Ten years ago on our first anniversary, I related the results of an email and postal mail survey in a special issue. (That's right, postal mail: the Web wouldn't arrive for several years yet.) A recent trip back to that issue proved fascinating, and not just for the raw numbers (which revealed that we had a readership of between 5,000 and 20,000 people from 18 countries, as compared to today's numbers of about 60,000 readers hailing from more than 120 top-level domains that correspond roughly to countries)

Adam Engst No comments

Microsoft Office 10’s Carrot and Stick

With Mac OS X 10.1 - as demoed at this year's Macworld Expo in New York - Apple looks to be making necessary changes that will bring its next generation operating system to a point where it will appeal to an audience beyond bleeding edge early adopters and Macintosh/Unix geeks