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We have a wide selection of Apple-related topics for you this week, starting with Glenn Fleishman’s look at Apple’s latest Security Update (don’t worry, it’s not something most people need to install immediately). Glenn also looks in depth at the significant drop in pricing for the CrashPlan Central hosted backup service. Meanwhile, Doug McLean reports on the return of the matte screen option for the 15-inch MacBook Pro and compiles a list of his top ten favorite Apple t-shirts. Finally, Adam covers Microsoft’s announcement of the forthcoming Outlook for Mac and other changes in Microsoft Office. Notable software releases this week include Default Folder X 4.3, PCalc 3.5, AirPort Client Update for MacBook and MacBook Pro, PDFpen 4.2, Safari 4.0.3, Cocktail 4.4.1, SubEthaEdit 3.5, and Audio Hijack Pro 2.9.2.

Adam Engst 2 comments

Outlook for Mac Due with 2010 Office Release

Microsoft has announced that a completely new Outlook for Mac will replace Entourage in about a year, but until then, the just-released Entourage 2008, Web Services Edition provides enhanced Exchange support. Also, as of 15-Sep-09, Microsoft is dropping from three editions of Office 2008 down to two.

Jeff Carlson No comments

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk for 17-Aug-09

A lot of questions and answers dominate this week's TidBITS Talk discussions. Readers are curious about which notes people keep on their iPhone or iPod touch devices; wonder whether Leopard will run acceptably on old Mac hardware; seek advice on keeping iPhone SMS and phone logs on the Mac; and ponder the value of paying for the highest-speed MacBook Pro processor. Also this week, people discuss Apple's upgrade pricing and licensing terms, getting out of an AT&T contract when moving to another country, and troubleshoot problems with LetterRip and with older AirPort hardware.