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Thanks to the many people who either sent me Eudora plug-in files that provide a simple interface within Eudora’s Settings dialog for changing the settings I talked about in TidBITS-271 or who told me about Wagner’s Eudora Prefs, a single plug-in that provides an interface for a number of less commonly changed settings in Eudora’s Settings dialog. My major complaint with Wagner’s Eudora Prefs is that it also changes the quote character to a non-standard one, and it does so in a way that changing it back requires using ResEdit. I’ve also edited Gilbert Rankin’s <[email protected]> message splitting submission slightly and uploaded it for FTP if you’d like to see how he provided an interface to Eudora’s message splitting settings. [ACE] mail/wagners-eudora-prefs-101.hqx -splitting.hqx

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