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Our apologies if we haven’t responded to email sent to us late last week. We were in Indianapolis days talking with the folks at Hayden about various books and explaining to the publishers of the different Prentice Hall Computer Publishing imprints about what the Internet is about. Email piled up, and we’re still catching up.

Another minor pileup in email might occur next week, because we’ll be in San Rafael and the Bay Area on 21-Apr-94 to sign copies of our books at the Borders store in San Rafael and at a Stacey’s bookstore somewhere else in the Bay Area. We’ll have more details next week, but the Stacey’s signing is in the afternoon and the Borders one is in the evening. We’d love it if people came by and rescued us from author hell, which is sitting at a table with stacks of books and people stopping by to ask where the travel books are located.

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