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Apple Recalls AC Power Adapters for PowerBook G3s

Apple Recalls AC Power Adapters for PowerBook G3s — Apple has announced a partial recall of AC power adapters which shipped with PowerBook G3 computers between May 1998 and March 2000. According to Apple, six of these adapters have overheated, creating a potential fire hazard. The affected adapters have two-prong electrical connectors, and are labelled "Macintosh PowerBook 45W Adapter" and "Model Number: M4402." Three-prong power adapters for use in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East which shipped with PowerBook G3s are not affected by this recall, nor are power adapters for any iBook or the PowerBook G4 Titanium. To get a new adapter, enter your shipping information and PowerBook G3 serial number on Apple’s Web page for the adapter exchange program. Apple urges all affected PowerBook users to order a new adapter, and not to leave the current adapter plugged in unattended.


Although recalls like this can be alarming, Apple still has a better track record than other computer manufacturers when it comes to hardware recalls. For instance, last October, both Compaq and Dell had to recall tens of thousands of laptop batteries due to issues with overheating and short circuits which could catch fire, and in May 2001 Dell had to recall nearly 300,000 laptop batteries due to a problem which caused at least one Dell laptop to go up in flames. [GD]

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