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Pepsi Tries Again with the iTunes Music Store

Pepsi Tries Again with the iTunes Music Store — After last year’s botched promotion in which Pepsi put codes for free songs from the iTunes Music Store under the caps of 100 million bottles of soda, only 5 million of which were redeemed by consumers, Apple and Pepsi are trying again. From 31-Jan-05 through 23-May-05, Pepsi will attempt to put 200 million codes for free songs in specially marked bottles of colored sugar water; the odds of winning are estimated to be 1 in 3, though Pepsi carefully notes that the actual odds are based on how many game pieces are actually produced. Interestingly, the official rules state that Apple is not a sponsor of the promotion.




In related iTunes Music Store trivia, Apple just announced that the iTunes Music Store has now sold over 250 million songs, and is selling a million tracks per day. [ACE]

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