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iPhoto Book Available Internationally

iPhoto Book Available Internationally — I was surprised and distressed to discover that Amazon wouldn’t let international buyers of my iPhoto for Mac OS X: Visual QuickStart Guide book download the electronic version in advance of receiving the paper version. (See "New Book Documents iPhoto Features and Quirks" in TidBITS-626.) I’ve been working with Peachpit to figure out some way around this problem, and I think I’ve found one. It’s not ideal, but it should work. Go to the book’s page in the Peachpit catalog and work through the process of buying the book. When you’re done, Peachpit will send you email with the information you need to download the book, and you’ll of course receive the paper version of the next edition.

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Here are the problems, and I apologize in advance for not being able to figure out any better way to offer international ordering in the time available. First, the book costs $16 instead of the $14 at Amazon. Second, when you get to the actual order form, ignore the comment about ordering from an international office (they may not know about the book’s PDF version) and enter your country in the Special field. Third, international shipping is a rather high $14 and can take a long time. One of the problems with trying new distribution approaches is that you realize just how much trial-and-error has gone into the traditional methods; hopefully we’ll have this working more smoothly for future efforts. [ACE]

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