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#1412: Bad Apple, macOS 10.13.4 dual displays, TidBITS transition, 1Password Business, Take Control 50%-off sale

Our transition to new Internet infrastructure continues, but it’s not without its teething pains. Adam Engst explains what has gone wrong, what we think we’ve fixed, and what’s still to come. If you haven’t yet upgraded to macOS 10.13.4 yet and you use a third-party app or device for a secondary screen, hold off for a bit, since Apple’s latest update is causing problems for such solutions. Large organizations that use 1Password may be interested in the new 1Password Business subscription from AgileBits — it brings a slew of enterprise-focused features to the password management service. Take Control is holding a 50%-off sale, so if you’ve been holding off on buying one or more titles, now is the time to stock up! Finally, Adam took some time out from fixing the new site to pen another Bad Apple column, this one focusing on the link between Reminders and Siri. Notable software updates this week include Audio Hijack 3.3.7, Lightroom Classic CC 7.3, Apple Configurator 2.7, macOS Server 5.6, and Safari 11.1.

Adam Engst No comments

AgileBits Introduces 1Password Business

AgileBits has introduced 1Password Business, which extends the subscription-based password-management service to large organizations. New features include finely grained access control, custom roles, activity logs, and usage reporting.

Adam Engst 39 comments

Juggling TidBITS Infrastructure Issues

Our new Internet infrastructure has been live for a week, and we’ve been getting lots of feedback — most positive, thankfully! — from readers. Adam Engst shares a behind-the-scenes look at the main comments and problems we’ve faced.


macOS Server 5.6 Agen Schmitz No comments

macOS Server 5.6

Prepares for the next major release of macOS Server when open source services such as Calendar, Contacts, DHCP, DNS will no longer be bundled. ($19.99 new, free update, 194 MB)