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Adam Engst No comments


Dave Kosiur writes, "I looked over your last few TidBITS and was taken in by the SentientNET April Fools' joke. However, even though you've now pointed readers towards the DCE stuff for other machines, there's something even closer to home - for Macs

Adam Engst No comments

The SE/30 Colorized

The oldest Mac still in Apple's current product line is the venerable SE/30. When the SE/30 first came out, people quickly became fond of it because of its combination of IIcx power and SE size

Adam Engst No comments

The Scientific Mac

Every now and then a scientist or engineer complains about how the Mac is lousy for scientific and engineering applications. That certainly was more true a few years back, before the Mac II and large color monitors, but we hope that the gap is narrowing

Adam Engst No comments

Excel Upgrade Costs

Ah, it's spring, the season of the year when a company turns its thoughts to software upgrades. I was going to say "when young companies..." but since the company I have in mind is Microsoft, a relative geezer at 15 years old, it wasn't quite appropriate

Adam Engst No comments

Open Letter To Apple

Editor's Note: Below is the final draft of the letter I will be sending to Apple and many of the Macintosh publications. If you support the letter as it stands and desire to be included as a signatory, please send me an email message stating that you support the letter and wish to be included as a signatory