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iPhoto 1.1.1 is out, so if you’re a user, make sure to read on for Adam’s detailed examination of the major changes in Apple’s popular photo management software. Then he and Jeff Carlson report on their experiences with a number of Kensington goodies, including mice, trackballs, and other Mac and Palm accessories. In the news this week, we cover the Apple Design Awards and look at the results of last week’s poll on Mac OS X use among TidBITS readers.

Adam Engst No comments

Do More with iPhoto 1.1.1

Apple last week released the long-awaited iPhoto 1.1.1, the first update to the company's popular photo management and sharing software (see "iPhoto Joins the iFold" in TidBITS-611)

Adam Engst Jeff Carlson No comments

Goodies from Kensington

One of the perks of being a computer journalist is that every so often products arrive on the doorstep to test - some we rip open and start using immediately, others elicit yawns and never even make it out of their shrink wrap