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It’s a grab-bag week! Charles Arthur explains why dialup users need the spam-fighting tool PostArmor, Tom Gewecke looks at the new, improved, and still-buggy aspects of Panther that relate to using Mac OS X in languages other than English, and Geoff Duncan makes a rare appearance to bury and bemoan its passing. In the news, Bare Bones releases BBEdit 7.1, we report on our Panther upgrade poll, and we announce our newest sponsor: Dr. Bott!

Adam Engst No comments

Dr. Bott Sponsoring TidBITS

Dr. Bott Sponsoring TidBITS -- We're pleased to welcome our latest long-term sponsor, the Macintosh peripheral manufacturer and distributor Dr. Bott. Most people, and I was among them initially, don't realize that the company name wasn't chosen for its pleasant geekiness: at Macworld Expo a few years ago, I was surprised to meet in person Dr

Adam Engst No comments

Poll Results: Panting for Panther?

Poll Results: Panting for Panther? In last week's poll, we asked, "When do you plan to upgrade your main Mac to Mac OS X 10.3 Panther?" It turns out that about half of the TidBITS audience (at least those who respond to our polls) are essentially early adopters, since 45 percent of respondents have already installed Panther, and another 6 percent plan to do it as soon as they get around to it (they must be overworked early adopters)

Tom Gewecke No comments

New Panther Language Features

With Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar, Apple made sweeping changes to the operating system's language handling and internationalization features, which are key to the Mac's acceptance throughout much of the world and for many people who regularly work in multiple languages

Charles Arthur No comments

PostArmor: Stopping Spam at the Server

The other day I logged on to my mail server directly to have a look at what was awaiting me. A total of 115 messages - of which only 45 actually had any relevance for me, the rest being either spam, viruses unwittingly spread by Windows users, or viruses bounced by servers configured by unthinking admins believing my email address's presence in the From: field meant I was the sender. A typically depressing day on the Internet - and pretty average too, given that spam and similar junk is now reckoned to make up more than 50 percent of all email, having grown roughly tenfold in the past two years

TidBITS Staff No comments

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/17-Nov-03

EyeTV review comments -- Readers elaborate on what's good and what's lacking in the EyeTV. (9 messages) TiVo/ReplayTV/EyeTV alternatives -- In addition to these three options for recording television programs, TidBITS readers suggest Formac's Studio DV/TV and other options