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If you’re planning to do your holiday shopping online this year, don’t pull out that credit card until you’ve read Rich Mogull’s article on ensuring that your electronic purchases are secure. Also in this issue, we detail the enhancements in the iPhone 2.2 Software for the iPhone and iPod touch and look at what’s new in the Apple TV 2.3 update. Matt Neuburg returns with a look at Script Debugger 4.5, Glenn Fleishman notes AnchorFree’s no-cost VPN for the iPhone, and Doug McLean – the newest member of the TidBITS staff – looks at Google’s new SearchWiki service. We wrap up with the release of “Take Control of Syncing Data in Leopard,” a DealBITS drawing to win a copy of MacSpeech Dictate, our annual Gift Guide survey to determine what will appear in the 2008 TidBITS Gift Guide, and the revival of the ExtraBITS name for a collection of interesting links from around the Web. Lastly, in this week’s extra-large Watchlist, we note the releases of HandBrake 0.9.3, MacSpeech Dictate 1.2.1, Freeway 5.3, Default Folder X 4.1, Adobe Camera Raw 5.2, Safari 3.2.1, DiscLabel 5.4, iTunes 8.0.2, Apple’s Pro Apps Updates 2008-004, PopChar X 4.1.1, KeyCue 4.3, OmniFocus 1.5, The Missing Sync for Windows Mobile 4.0.4, Daylite 3.8, AccountEdge 2009, Yum 3.0, Apple’s Compatibility Update for QuickTime 7.5.5, and Apple’s MacBook/MacBook Pro Trackpad Firmware Update 1.0.

Doug McLean No comments

TidBITS Watchlist: Notable Software Updates for 01-Dec-08

Notable software releases since our last issue of TidBITS include HandBrake 0.9.3, MacSpeech Dictate 1.2.1, Freeway 5.3, Default Folder X 4.1, Adobe Camera Raw 5.2, Safari 3.2.1, DiscLabel 5.4, iTunes 8.0.2, Apple's Pro Apps Updates 2008-004, PopChar X 4.1.1, KeyCue 4.3, OmniFocus 1.5, The Missing Sync for Windows Mobile 4.0.4, Daylite 3.8, AccountEdge 2009, Yum 3.0, Apple's Compatibility Update for QuickTime 7.5.5, and Apple's MacBook/MacBook Pro Trackpad Firmware Update 1.0.

Jeff Carlson No comments

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/01-Dec-08

Recent TidBITS Talk discussions include a great mix of topics: deconstructing Safari 3.2's anti-phishing feature, comparing iPhone file transfer applications, troubleshooting loading errors in Safari and Firefox, a solid aluminum mouse pad, sorting out years' worth of digital documents, and more.