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After spending nine days in Hawaii with his PowerBook, cell phone, digital camera, and iPod, Adam muses on how taking a vacation is affected by technology and how well today’s technology meets the needs of vacationers. Celebrating the release of his latest book, Jeff Carlson offers some tips and techniques for iMovie 4. In the news, if you’re a Now Up-to-Date & Contact user (or want to be), you can save big through the end of this month.

Adam Engst No comments

Now Software Deal Eases Data Sharing

Now Software Deal Eases Data Sharing -- Although Apple offers integrated contact management and calendar features with Mac OS X in the form of Address Book and iCal, Tonya and I have stuck with Now Up-to-Date & Contact from Now Software because those programs are ideal for sharing contacts and events among multiple Macs (and with Windows-based PCs as well)

Adam Engst No comments

Technology on Vacation

We're finally caught up from our vacation on Kauai, Hawaii, and as much as I wish I could say that it was a truly relaxing and wonderful time, in reality I was utterly sick for all but the last few days, which put a major crimp in affairs

TidBITS Staff No comments

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/10-May-04

The second URL below each thread description points to the discussion on our Web Crossing server, which will be much faster, though it doesn't yet use our preferred design. iTunes 4.5 -- More discussion of the latest version of iTunes, including frustration outside the United States and how music is being shared via Rendezvous