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The iPhone has captured much attention in our world, but it’s not the only smartphone on the market. Mark Anbinder looks at the $99 Palm Centro and discovers there’s still some life in Palm. Also in this issue, Sharon Zardetto looks at the state of font auto-activation under Leopard, and Adam cleans up his system with Service Scrubber. Getting back to the iPhone, Glenn Fleishman provides more details about the upcoming iPhone 3G, and Mark pines for SlingPlayer Mobile for the iPhone, while Adam crunches the numbers and discovers that the iPhone 3G will cost U.S. buyers more than the original, despite its advertised lower prices. We also note the releases of QuickTime 7.5, iMovie 7.1.2, iDVD 7.0.2, Iris 1.0, AirPort Utility 5.3.2, PopChar X 4, Mellel 2.5, Opera 9.5, BlogAssist 2.2, InterMapper 5.5, and updates to The Missing Sync for Palm, Symbian, and Windows Mobile.

Adam Engst No comments

Service Scrubber Cleans Services Menu

Has a service ever taken over an essential keyboard shortcut from one of your apps? Or, for that matter, has your Services menu become unusable because of all the unwanted items in it? The solution to both of these problems is Service Scrubber.

Adam Engst No comments

iPhone 3G Actually $160 More Expensive

Apple claims that the iPhone 3G is "Twice as fast. Half the price." But that's just the initial cost of the phone. By the time you factor in the increased price of AT&T's 3G data plan and the need to add a SMS text messaging plan, the iPhone 3G could end up costing $160 more than the original 8 GB iPhone. Adam runs down all the gory pricing details.