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DealBITS Drawing: Autographed Spam

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This week we have a special one-day DealBITS drawing! In conjunction with Hormel’s anti-spam campaign, we’re giving away one can of Spam, the real stuff, a $2.95 value. And to make it a real collector’s item, I’ll personally autograph the can, enabling the lucky winner to prove that I sent them Spam (no complaining to SpamCop or our ISPs, though, since if you enter the contest, this Spam will definitely be solicited!).

Enter at the DealBITS page linked below, and be sure to read and agree to the updated drawing rules on that page. As always, all information gathered is covered by our comprehensive privacy policy. Lastly, check your (electronic) spam filters, since you must be able to receive email from my address to learn if you’ve won.


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