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Thoughtful, detailed coverage of everything Apple for 34 years
and the TidBITS Content Network for Apple professionals

About TidBITS

Adam and Tonya Engst founded TidBITS in April of 1990 as an online newsletter aimed at covering topics of interest to the Apple Internet community. TidBITS has been published weekly ever since, making it the longest-running Internet technology publication. We’ve done a lot of things in that time, including starting the first Internet advertising program in 1992, creating (with Northwest Nexus) the first flat-rate graphical Internet account in 1993, founding the popular Take Control Books imprint in 2003 (and selling it in 2017), and much more. Read our annual anniversary articles for more.

We have also evolved with the times, taking advantage of new distribution methods as they have appeared, including the Web, RSS, Twitter, Facebook, podcasts, and Apple News. We’ve also dropped some channels, such as AOL, AppleLink, BIX, CompuServe, Delphi, eWorld, GEnie, and Prodigy. Remember them? OK, AOL still exists. Sort of.

While we focus on Apple products and technologies, we also publish other coverage that we believe will interest our readers, including commentary on issues of Internet availability, security, and policy, plus thoughts on the intersection of technology and society. Our goal is always to connect events and products with real-life uses and concerns.

We publish new TidBITS issues in email every Monday night; articles appear on our Web site throughout the week.


To receive TidBITS via email, you need an account so we can track your email address. It’s easy to create a new account, and once you have one, you can manage your subscriptions, change your email address or password, and make comments on articles.

Also, if you’re a TidBITS member, you need to log in to enjoy our Web site free of paid ads, subscribe to the full-text RSS feed, sign up for email delivery of individual articles, and access discounts on Take Control books and other Mac-related products. See the full list of TidBITS member benefits.

If you need an account deleted permanently, please email us with the email address you’d like to have removed.


TidBITS is translated into Dutch and Japanese each week by dedicated groups of volunteer translators, and you can read TidBITS in those languages on the Web and receive the translated issues in email—subscription controls are in your profile page. If you’d like to help out with one of the translations, let Adam know.