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Category: Opinion

Adam Engst 11 comments

TUAW Joins iLounge as an AI-Powered Zombie Site 

The Unofficial Apple Weblog, an early player in the Apple blogosphere that has been defunct for a decade, has been revived as an AI-powered site that rewrites content from other sites. iLounge suffered the same fate. Avoid both sites from now on.

Adam Engst 25 comments

Why AI Web Scraping (Mostly) Doesn’t Bother Me

Despite the seemingly universal outrage about tech companies scraping the open Web to train their models, Adam Engst finds himself largely unperturbed. 

Adam Engst 2 comments

Exploring Generative AI on the Command Control Power Podcast

In this wide-ranging podcast conversation, Adam Engst and hosts Joe Saponare and Jerry Zigmont explore some of the deeper questions surrounding generative AI.

Adam Engst 32 comments

Apple ID to Be Renamed to Apple Account, Disrupting Independent Documentation

Starting later this year, Apple will replace all instances of “Apple ID” in its operating systems and documentation with “Apple Account.” Documentation that covers multiple versions of Apple operating systems will become more awkward.

Adam Engst 11 comments

The Ineffable Importance of Corporate Communications

In the last few weeks, we’ve seen three examples of companies failing to communicate with their customers effectively and suffering the slings and arrows of online ire.

Adam Engst 4 comments

How to Identify Good Uses for Generative AI Chatbots and Artbots

Adam Engst explores how you can use generative AI chatbots and artbots productively by helping you identify good uses such as brainstorming, programming, summarizing lengthy PDFs, and drafting difficult email messages. He also examines the utility of AI in Internet searches.

Adam Engst 7 comments

Slack AI Privacy Principles Generate Confusion and Consternation

After a section of a Slack document laying out its privacy principles surrounding AI was taken out of context on social media, controversy ensued. Adam Engst attempts to calm the waters, with help from ChatGPT.

Adam Engst 48 comments

Apple Apologizes for Tone-Deaf “Crush!” iPad Pro Ad

After significant backlash, Apple has apologized for and pulled its “Crush!” ad showing creative and cultural objects pulverized by an industrial press. Was the ad just an ill-considered effort to shock or an all-too-accurate metaphor for today's tech industry?

Adam Engst 36 comments

The Challenge of Replacing “User” with More Precise Terms

This MIT Technology Review piece points out that relying too heavily on the term "user" exacts a cost in depersonalizing the relationships we have with the software that fills our lives. Let's work to use more precise terms.

Adam Engst 18 comments

Try Topical Alternatives to Social Media

Triggered by the addition of comments to the popular blog, Adam Engst encourages participation in focused online conversational spaces rather than scattershot social media.

Adam Engst 24 comments

International Verify Your Backups Day

What better day than Friday the 13th to check that your backups are actually working by restoring some critical files?

Adam Engst No comments

Lessons from Building and Operating Amazon S3

This version of a conference keynote offers an insider’s look at the Amazon S3 storage service, with thoughts about its incredible scale, how hard drives have evolved, and the importance of ownership in organizations.

Adam Engst 41 comments

How Did We Fill Our In-Between Time Before Smartphones?

Many of us may while away in-between time looking at our smartphones, but that's not to say we spent that time productively before smartphones existed.

Adam Engst 11 comments

The Unbearable Ambiguity of Emoji

A Canadian court ruling that a thumbs-up emoji counted as a valid signature causes Adam Engst to ponder the difficulty of knowing what any given emoji might mean.

Adam Engst 23 comments

TidBITS Doesn’t Cover Rumors. Here’s Why

An online poster who leaked accurate Apple corporate secrets says they received them from a family member but have now been found out by Apple. Both face possible legal repercussions, and Apple reportedly fired the family member. Adam Engst explores the enticing but corrosive nature of both providing and consuming rumors.