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Joe Kissell Leaving TidBITS

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Joe Kissell Leaving TidBITS — Senior Editor Joe Kissell, after a record-setting tenure, announced that he will be leaving TidBITS, reportedly to spend more time with his family. In a press conference today, Kissell, accompanied by his tearful wife Morgen Jahnke, broke the news to his loyal fans, saying only that the timing was in now way related to last week’s departure of Apple executives Avie Tevanian and Jon Rubinstein. When asked about the leaked copy of an ebook he allegedly wrote titled “Take Control of Apple Computer, Inc.,” Kissell vigorously denied any such plans, adding, “I make it a policy not to comment on upcoming products or services.” Additional details about this unexpected departure may be forthcoming on Kissell’s appearance on a special edition of Chuck Joiner’s MacVoices podcast later this evening, but he did note that his work on Take Control ebooks would be continuing. [ACE]

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