Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/13-Aug-07
VMware Announces Fusion 1.0 Release — What options are available for converting a Parallels Desktop disk image to work in VMware Fusion? (4 messages)
Fake Steve Jobs Finally Unmasked — Does the no-longer-anonymous Fake Steve Jobs actually channel the “real” Steve Jobs personality? Does it even matter? (4 messages)
Runaway iDisk — Mark Anbinder discovers that the recent changes to .Mac caused his local .Mac synced copy to balloon in size. (4 messages)
New iLife ’08 — iMovie ’08 requires a PowerPC G5-based Mac or faster, leaving G4 Macs in the dust. Is Apple obsoleting its hardware too soon? (15 messages)
Apple Releases New Aluminum iMacs, Refreshes Mac mini — The new wireless aluminum Apple Keyboard is smaller than its wired counterpart, on the assumption that people using wireless keyboards are more likely to have them in a lap where a full-size keyboard isn’t as useful. (6 messages)
The technology of Jobs’s presentation? What does Steve Jobs use during his presentations? The answer is Keynote, of course, and not always the version available to the public. (4 messages)
Eudora/Penelope — Mozilla Thunderbird is to be the new basis for Eudora, but is that future in doubt as Thunderbird leaves the Mozilla nest? (8 messages)
Personal domains with .Mac mail? The latest incarnation of .Mac lets you use custom domain names for Web sites, but does that apply to email too? (4 messages)
Touch Screen In iMac’s Future? If you think of the new iMac as a giant iPhone, could Apple be thinking of giving it a touch screen interface? Steve Jobs hinted that such a thing may exist in Apple’s labs, but for now the concept doesn’t seem very useful. (7 messages)