Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/17-Dec-07
Airport Express — Learn how to play streaming audio, such as radio stations, through an AirPort Express. (3 messages)
Crucial bug in Safari for Leopard — A reader encounters a problem related to loading PDFs and sound files in Safari; anyone else seeing it? (1 message)
Licensing NTFS – Or Why Doesn’t Mac OS X Natively Support NTFS — Joe’s article about NTFS for Mac OS X wonders why Apple didn’t build that functionality into Leopard. One reader speculates on the answer. (1 message)
New Apple Store in New York/Scrolling in iPod Touch and iPhone — After a visit to Apple’s new retail space in New York City, a reader has questions about displaying maps and accessing private data on an iPod touch or iPhone. (7 messages)
10.4.11 Issue with Quickverse — A bug in this Mac Bible software has yet to be fixed, leading to questions of faith: which applications can one turn to instead? (6 messages)
Storing passwords on an iPod — What’s the best way to store sensitive material on an iPod, versus carrying a Palm handheld? (3 messages)
Amazon Grocery Delivery Service — Glenn’s experiences using Amazon Fresh invites comparisons to other services, many of which are small and local, compared to the failed promise of Webvan. (4 messages)
Leopard 10.5.1 on a G5? — After installing Leopard and getting the latest system update, the fans in a reader’s Power Mac G5 have gone into jet-plane mode. (5 messages)
Networking Problem — A reader bought a new modem to take advantage of faster ADSL network speeds – but the devices aren’t talking. What can get these peripherals to come back to the table? (7 messages)
Google Goes After Wikipedia — Readers discuss Google Knol, a Wikipedia competitor that will potentially have issues with copyright and author bias. (4 messages)
Death by mdimport — Preventing Spotlight searches of several directories made a big difference in system slowdowns for one reader using a Power Mac G5. (1 message)