Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/04-Feb-08
Migrating from Now Contact — A reader trying to synchronize information from Now Contact to a Palm Treo runs into trouble. (2 messages)
Non-English unicode fonts in Safari — A custom Tibetan font is required to read a Web site, but the font isn’t one that ships with Mac OS X. (5 messages)
Prosoft Drive Genius vs. Alsoft DiskWarrior — Does Drive Genius unseat long-time Mac drive campion DiskWarrior? (6 messages)
What is a “Server Grade Hard Drive”? Apple touts its new Time Capsule device as having a “server grade hard drive,” but what does that mean exactly? (1 message)
External disk — The low cost of hard drives these days makes it possible to toss an old, low-capacity drive and replace it with a new internal drive, rather than trying to boot from a small external one. (15 messages)
“Mac Users Think They’re Superior” — Yes, it’s the title of an article in Advertising Age. Yes, we think we’re superior compared to someone who would print a ridiculous article. (8 messages)
iWork and iWeb Updated, Apple Restricts Release Notes — Apple’s lack of release notes is increasingly infuriating, especially for the reader who lost hours reinstalling Leopard after the latest iWork update. (5 messages)
comparing older mac speeds — A Web site lists a complete history of Apple hardware and specifications, leading one reader to note that browsing the Web on an older PowerBook is comparable to a newer MacBook Pro. (5 messages)
Screen shots disabled while DVD player is running… — How do you get around the limitation when this message appears? A few options are available. (2 messages)