Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/14-Jul-08
iMac failing to startup into OS 10.3.9? — An unfortunate encounter with Norton System Works leads to an old iMac being unable to boot into Mac OS X. (2 messages)
Discovering Sparse Bundle Disk Images — Readers discuss whether virtualization software such as Parallels and VMware Fusion use sparse bundle disk images. (5 messages)
Corrupted Printer setup utility — Mac OS X Leopard moved printing tasks into the Print & Fax preference pane, and in the process discarded the old Printer Setup Utility. (5 messages)
Cutting off bad Wi-Fi connection — How do you make a Mac stop automatically connecting to a wireless network? (2 messages)
The Hole in My Backup Plan — Readers relate to Joe Kissell’s experience of losing the use of his main Mac, including purchasing two similarly configured machines and renting a replacement. (25 messages)
iTunes Store technical details — Does Apple store and serve the iTunes Store from its own hardware? It doesn’t appear to. (2 messages)
Third-party batteries for older laptops — When a laptop’s original battery reaches the end of its life, should you buy a replacement from Apple or try one from a third party? When dealing with older portables, you may not have a choice. (2 messages)
How to revive a “broken” hard disk? After replacing a hard disk, a reader gets suggestions for erasing it for use elsewhere when trouble arises. (7 messages)
Mac OS X 10.5.4 Issue — Following a system update, a reader’s files and folders become invisible. The solution? Changing the screen resolution. (2 messages)
Current iPhones Keep Cheaper Plan on Reactivation — Readers ponder the best methods of upgrading to the iPhone 3G. (8 messages)
New Mac threats? What started as an article that mirrors a press release about Mac malware turns into a discussion of how important terminology can be when defining security threats. (48 messages)
Precipitate shines Mac Spotlight into Google — Readers talk about Adam’s article about this utility for making Spotlight search Google services. (5 messages)
802.11g-n mixed network question — Will having wireless routers of different speeds slow down an entire network, or can they all just get along? (4 messages)
Gaming the system? Is it ethical to buy a computer with the express purpose of using it and then taking it back within the return policy? Readers debate. (15 messages)
Extend iTunes Movie Rentals Beyond 24 Hours — Attempting to play a paused iTunes rental beyond its expiration time led to a gray screen. Is this a bug or a policy change from Apple? (2 messages)
Apple Stores Ready for 3G Onslaught — Apple and AT&T seem to expect that most people will transfer existing cellular phone numbers to the new iPhone service. (3 messages)
Send SMS for Free via AIM on iPhone — You can use AIM on the iPhone to send a text message for free, but how does it appear to the recipient, and can they reply in kind? (2 messages)
MobileMe Fails to Launch Well, But Finally Launches — Readers discuss Apple’s stumbling start of the MobileMe service. (2 messages)
Buying an iPhone 3G — A reader shares his impressions of the iPhone 3G, leading to a discussion of price and how AT&T is subsidizing the cost of each phone. (2 messages)