Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk for 12-Jan-09
Safari Stalling on Opening PDF files — What’s the cause for long delays in opening PDF files in Safari? (10 messages)
A contrarian view of Macworld Expo’s utility — A reader makes the case that perhaps it’s time to do away with Macworld Expo entirely, with a variety of reactions both for and against. (8 messages) and MobileMe? Apple’s desire to turn into a paid service is baffling, since it would be a great add-on to MobileMe. (2 messages)
Apple’s Canard of 100 Macworlds a Week — Apple is comparing Macworld Expo to the number of people that go into Apple retail stores, but does the comparison really match up? (4 messages)
Odd removable disk behavior with 10.5.6 — Removable disks such as CDs or flash drives aren’t appearing in the Finder as expected. Is something wrong in Mac OS X 10.5.6, or did an errant preference get set? (2 messages)