Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk for 03-Aug-09
Cause of Font Cache Bug Revealed? Readers look for solutions to the font-related bug that Matt Neuburg wrote about. (3 messages)
Apple has 91% of market for $1,000+ PCs, says NPD — Readers talk about whether dramatic price cuts to the low end of the Mac line would actually boost sales. (30 messages)
Cinema Display — When replacing a monitor, do Apple displays actually stand out from the crowd in terms of image quality and color fidelity? (22 messages)
Microsoft Entourage database corruption — Learn how to correct database corruption in Entourage. (5 messages)
Deleting multiple PDF pages — nasty Preview bug — Deleting several non-contiguous pages in Preview deletes the right number of pages, but not the pages you selected. (2 messages)
Stream surround sound audio Mac to Mac? VLC may be the solution to streaming surround-sound audio. (2 messages)