Behind the Scenes at The Daily
Few publications have made as splashy a debut as Rupert Murdoch’s iPad-only The Daily, generating digital reams of commentary and criticism across the Internet, including in TidBITS (see “Why The Daily Is So Yesterday,” 3 February 2011).
Nonetheless, now that we’re almost two months in from The Daily’s launch, it’s fascinating to see just how the $30 million in development funds and reported weekly budget of $500,000 are being spent. Thanks to The Daily’s commitment to transparency in publishing, we now have a behind-the-scenes look.
These pages not only show the technology that’s in use every day in The Daily’s state of the art newsroom, but also document the procedures used by The Daily’s staff in producing new content every day. (Don’t be put off by the simple layout of these Web pages; they’re just reproducing a far more advanced iPad presentation, complete with a photo slideshow and video interviews.)
Put simply, I remain astonished by what The Daily accomplishes, and I strongly recommend that anyone interested in what goes on at a modern publication check out The Daily’s story.
As a journalism major back in the 1970s, I half expected to see MY photo somewhere in that collection of photos! Holy lambchops and miniskirts, Batman!
Beautiful. Funny AND instructive.
OK, that's gotta be the UW Daily. And judging by the photos, almost the same time that I was there. Uh, a little while back. Anyway, did Suki find these pix for you? :-)
Check the link at the bottom of the last page. :-)